Rock Climbing is an extreme sport that is performed with a set of movements in an artificial wall or in the middle of the woods in a cliff or just the rock wall.
In rock climbing there are various styles such as: sports rock climbing, soloing, boulder, water-deep solo, ice climbing and traditional climbing. I’ll focus only on rock climbing physically as well as mentally.
As you are trying to reach the top of a while the route becomes harder and tiring, a survival instinct appears, fear starts playing an important role, your body starts losing strength and decisions needs to be made.
Finally, to climb in nature, people climb in the plastic wall indoor gym so they can get familiar with the sport, so when it’s time to take the risk of the big task, they feel confident enough to climb in nature, where things may get complicated.
When climbing happens outdoors, and climbers start to get familiarized with nature and the climb at the walls or big boulders, they start building and experience some affection, satisfaction and love towards the rock, because climbing at the rock makes you face fear, therefore get you out of your comfort zone, which is almost nobody is willing to do, leave their comfort zone, so I believe that if you get out of the comfort zone at climbing, you can apply that same attitude of risking with real life, with everyday life and that can take you far away with success.
This same knowledge can apply to every day in people’s lives, leading them to a closer relationship with nature, because if people decide to rock climb every weekend in the outdoors, they will realize how beneficial that will be, to learn and coexist with Nature. Settling them to a more sustainable and natural focus.